Walt Disney (Chicago 1901) – He has created value by thinking at his business as a way to make people happy

Walter Elias Disney, was among the leading filmmakers of the twentieth century and is recognized as the father of animated films. Walt Disney has also created Disneyland, the first and most famous of the theme parks. With his collaborators he has created many of the most famous cartoon characters in the world; one of these, Topolino, is according to many his alter ego.

Juliana Rotich (Kenya 1977) – She has created value by developing tools of croudsourcing to witness war violence.

Juliana Rotich is co-founder of Ushahidi (in Swaili, witness), a non-profit company that offers tools able to collect local observers information through the telephone network or mobile Internet, in order to create an archive with temporal and geospatial reference of the events. The application has been used to witness violence in various regions of Africa, the Middle East, India and South America.

Tony Buzan (London 1942) – He has created value by intuiting the existence of mental maps representative of thoughts.

Mind maps are forms of graphic representation of thought, aimed at implementing visual memory and then storing concepts and information at the time of recall. They are particularly effective as annotation and learning tools, support for the elaboration of thought and creativity, aid in personal orientation and in the establishment of working groups.

BILL W. (Vermont 1895) – He has created value by founding the association Alcoholics Anonymous.

In 1999, the Times included Bill W. among the 100 most important people of the century.

Alcoholics Anonymous – of which Bill was co-founder – is an association spread in over 160 countries and whose goal is the recovery from alcohol dependence thanks to the self-help mutual method.

Colin Mc Rae (Lanark, 1968) – He has created value by maximizing the braking technique with the left foot to direct load transfers.

Colin Mc Rae is the testimony of a sports champion who – well beyond the successes in the races – becomes legend. The value added to the techniques of sporting piloting and the ability to interpret his time made him the protagonist of the commercial success of videogames at world level.

Tim Berners Lee (London 1955) – He has created value by inventing www

On 6 August 1991, Tim Berners-Lee put online the first website, initially used only by the scientific community. After less than two years, CERN decided to publish the technology at the base of the Web and therefore the possibility offered to anyone, at a very low cost, to become an editor. With the success of the Web begins the exponential and unstoppable growth of the Internet still in progress, as well as the so-called “Web era”

Debbie Brill (Mission 1943) – She has created value by overturning the high jump technique

Almost half a century ago – driving a Mini Cooper S – won a rally driving as much as possible in skidding due to the sudden opening of the bonnet and the impossibility of sticking its head out the window wearing the helmet.

He created value as one of the first to develop sports driving techniques then emulated by many pilots around the world.

Timo Mäkinen (Helsinki 1938) – He has created value as one of the first to develop sports driving techniques.

Almost half a century ago – driving a Mini Cooper S – won a rally driving as much as possible in skidding due to the sudden opening of the bonnet and the impossibility of sticking its head out the window wearing the helmet.

He created value as one of the first to develop sports driving techniques then emulated by many pilots around the world.

Temple Grandin (Boston 1947) – She has created value by representing the point of view of autistic people

With his personal testimony, she broke the wall of misunderstanding of science towards autism, in particular by guiding new techniques of investigation of the visual, auditory and tactile stimuli of autistic people who seemed inscrutable and who instead follow different but clear rules. She invented the “hugs machine”.

Tony Iommi (Birmingam 1948) – He has created value by influencing several generations of rockers

He created value by influencing several generations of rockers through a different sound of the electric guitar.

When he was still playing in the smoky suburban pubs of Birmingam, during a factory shift, a press accident semi-amputated two fingers of his right hand, the one used by a left-handed to press the strings.

After the initial discomfort, he built dentures with a plastic bottle of detergent; then he calibrated his guitar’s chord a halftone lower so that the strings could be softer and created the unmistakable dark sound of Black Sabbath.

Alan Turing (London 1912) – He has created value by generating the Enigma’s decryption system

He was a forerunner of artificial intelligence and is commonly considered a logical father of the computer. He created value by creating the decryption system of Enigma, the code for communications used during the Second World War by the Nazis.